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Maclock Security is part of a family of locksmiths that has been in service to the Northern Colorado Community for 30 years. We are your neighbor. Your security matters to us.

Mission Statement

To contribute to the building of secure communities through the installation and monitoring of reliable security and automation products.. We will maintain our business through the ethical treatment of our friends and neighbors. 

We aspire to treat everyone like family, friends or neighbors. Regardless of race, religion or income. Because it's not just good business. It is our way forward.

Lead Technician

I have earned the designation of Certified Professional Locksmith and have been a continuous member of the Associated Locksmiths of America since 1995. My first experience with Physical Security was as a Marine walking a guard post in 1972. My first experience as a locksmith was as the owner of a lock shop in Greely Colorado in 1988. 

I have a long list of Physical security certifications and continue my education whenever I can. 

    Kelly McBride

A look into the "WAY FORWARD" philosophy (mac insight)

I believe myself to be a sentient human. I know that I exist and I know that I occupy a very small space in a very large universe. I believe that I have empathy for man, animal and nature. I freely and confidently acknowledge that I do not know what happens when we die nor am I convinced anyone does. I do know that it does not matter in how I choose to live. Why? Thirty Seven years ago, while attending a military course focused on leadership, I was struck with an epiphany (Greek version), when after a tough mental and physical day I reread "Traits of a Good Leader" that had been painted on a mess hall wall.  Words like loyalty. Painted on the wall words like trustworthy and honest. Just words---like dependable. Just words.  Well, at that time in my life I had been, and was, asking the big why am I here question. Then in one tired but enlightening moment I saw the words as clear, solid, glaring spiritual choices that was MY WAY FORWARD. What I was in thought or what I was physically made of or where I was going after leaving my physical body did not matter to me as much as how I would live.  Choices, written in big painted letters. That was not the first time I had read those words or was aware of the meaning. Not at all. I had served four years in the Marine Corps and was an experienced twenty six year old. But, at that moment I was not looking at just words. Those words were graphically portrayed real choices that had deep meaning to me and thirty seven years later still do. I have chosen to continue my path to the expiration of my physical self by contributing to the good of my community through my business. I am, and to the end will be, in service to Friends, Family and Neighbors.  That is what I choose. No fear, no guilt, no collusion. 1/31/18  

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